Increasing Reliability, Fire/Wildfire Mitigation, Resilience, Security, and Greenhouse Gas Emissions issues now challenge the Distribution Grid, and our operators. The span of assets between substations and endpoint meters represents the most volatile, most vulnerable, and most dynamic segment of the grid. GRID20/20’s Advanced Transformer Infrastructure (ATI) solution, and GRIDWIDE FIRE-SPY help to address and resolve these matters. Thereby enabling operators to manage the ongoing Clean Tech SuperGrid® evolution.
Maximize Grid Reliability Learn more »
Cost-Effective OptaNODE® intra-grid sensors provide a vast array of grid management improvements for global utility providers – simultaneously maximizing Reliability, shrinking OpEx, improving CapEX ROI, increasing metered revenues, reducing GHG, embracing DER/DG/EV/CVR, and strengthening grid Resilience and Security.
There is no algorithm substitute for the accurate, timely, and unique data provided by intra-grid sensors. GRID20/20 provides a vast, growing list of applications for utilities.
Improper Transformer Sizing, Incorrect Tap settings, Voltage Imbalance, Power Theft, Incorrect Multipliers, and other common issues impact Grid Reliability. OptaNODE® sensors enable Utilities to identify these issues. Learn more »
As the US notably experienced in 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020, grid asset failures and non-grid induced events can lead to devastating wildfires, billions of dollars in damage, personal injury, loss of life, enormous Greenhouse Gas emissions, and a wake of post-event destruction and rebuilding costs. Learn more »
DER/DG can create grid de-stabilization, and safety concerns. By monitoring Voltage Fluctuations & Reverse Power Flows, utilities can safely manage their grid and effectively select distributed storage locations. OptaNODE® sensors enhance DER/DG Integration. Learn more »
Over 199.1 Billion kWh ‘leaked’ from the US grid in 2014. This loss represented over 106.5 Million Metric Tons of CO2 Emissions. By locating Loss locations inside the grid, up to 50+ Million Metric Tons of CO2 emissions can be eliminated annually. OptaNODE® sensors enable GHG Reduction.
Timely, accurate intra-grid Voltage Readings enhance CVR to reduce peak demand costs, and improve proper energy delivery levels to cut power costs. Our collaboration with Dominion Voltage, Inc. (DVI) helps utilities to apply CVR. OptaNODE® sensors enhance Voltage Optimization. Learn more »
OptaNODE® DTM devices can notify operators of power interruptions, enabling faster location of outages, and accelerated restoration. Faster Restoration improves SAIDI ratings, and resumes metered revenues more quickly. Learn more »
Failing or improperly sized Transformers lead to Power Outages, and Decreased Revenue. By revealing stressed assets, Preventive Maintenance is enabled. This maximizes CapEx, Reduces Trouble Calls and improves SAIFI ratings. OptaNODE® sensors enable proactive Asset Management. Learn more »
Using technology to monitor the grid is efficient, and lowers Operating Costs. Programmable Alarms permit utilities to select key intra-grid Tolerances, then be notified when undesirable conditions occur. This enables “Hands-Free” grid management capabilities. OptaNODE® sensors provide Automated Alerts.
To reduce CO2 emissions and dependency upon petroleum, global penetration of EVs increases annually. Each EV requires a charging station which demands significant electricity. This unplanned demand can seriously overburden transformers. OptaNODE® sensors monitor EV impacts on the grid. Learn more »
Power Thieves have learned that stealing power in front of the meter is undetectable by utilities, allowing thieves to steal over $6 Billion from US grids in 2014. Power Theft has INCREASED since AMI/AMR deployment. OptaNODE® sensors reveal costly Power Theft. Learn more »
GIS Mapping Errors, Pre-Meter Taps, and Incorrect Multipliers are identified by reconciling Transformer data with downstream Meters. AMI, AMR, and mechanical meters are subject to these Revenue-Reducing impacts. OptaNODE® sensors reveal costly Meter Inaccuracies.
Official Loss data proves that AMI/AMR alone cannot create a smart grid. The intra-grid represents the most volatile, vulnerable and dynamic segment. Utilities are blind to today’s intra-grid conditions. Cost-effective intra-grid sensors remedy the ‘missing link’. OptaNODE® Sensors enable Smart Grid Realization.
Meter data is subject to substantial inaccuracies due to decalibration, improper GIS asset mapping, multiplier errors, and pre-meter theft taps. Creating necessary reconciliation points via OptaNODE® DTM intra-grid sensors remedies this problem.
Utilities with deployed AMI are now discovering that power theft is increasing, and AMI cannot effectively report intra-grid data. AMI based Analytics lack the necessary accuracy and timely information required by utilities and deliver inaccurate predictions based on:
The OptaNODE® Solution is required to enhance AMI data, and achieve a genuine, comprehensive Smart Grid.
AMR equipped Utilities can achieve the advantages of Smart Grid technologies, without the need for AMI deployments.
The cost-effective OptaNODE® solution now enables Smart Grid to become a reality.
The OptaNODE® Solution provides actionable intra-grid information, based on accurately measured data.