GRID20/20 and DVI have collaborated to solve the global Voltage Optimization need by leveraging the versatility of the OptaNODE® DTM intra-grid sensor to measure voltage data and feed real-time information into the EDGE Voltage Optimization engine, giving the market a completely new and financially compelling value proposition. By driving forward a system-wide voltage optimization strategy, while leaving the metering assets and process completely intact, this integration enables utilities and their customers to achieve significant and sustainable energy and demand savings without disrupting operations.

DVI Edge

By utilizing the versatility of the OptaNODE® DTM intra-grid sensor to measure voltage data, real-time information can be fed into the EDGE Voltage Optimization engine.

The EDGE solution, developed by DVI is a complete grid optimization approach for managing system voltage, delivering energy savings to customers through conservation voltage reduction, reducing peak demand, minimizing system loss and supporting increased penetration of distributed renewable resources.

Energy Efficiency / CVR

GRID20/20 + EDGE can deliver significant energy savings to customers through Conservation Voltage Reduction.

Demand Voltage Reduction

GRID20/20 + EDGE can reduce peak demand charges while at the same time ensuring reliable service.

Volt/VAR Optimization

GRID20/20 + EDGE improves power factor while at the same time increasing the opportunity for additional demand and energy savings.