GRID20/20 now changes distribution grid management...
FROM: Its historic costly, reactionary approach.
TO: A modern, reliable, cost-effective, versatile, proactive process.
Maximize Grid Reliability Learn more »
Advanced Transformer Infrastructure (ATI) is a required foundational element of Grid Modernization. The following resources support this important reality.
Distribution Grid Pressures: Electrification, Wildfire Mitigation, Reliability, Aged Assets, Transformer Shortages, DER Voltage Fluctuations, Forward & Reverse Energy Overload on Transformers, EV Charging Stations, etc. All of these realities, and others are simultaneously unfolding throughout our distribution grids. Utility operators NEED enhanced intra-grid visibility, and empirical understandings of these unfolding grid-edge conditions.
Utility operators are experiencing an unprecedented, developing distribution transformer shortage coupled with substantially escalating new transformer costs. Unfortunately, there is no present trend correction in sight. Yes, critical assets availability is now in jeopardy.
Worst case scenarios are occurring in perennial fashion. Whether you do, or do not subscribe to the concept of climate change, there is no denying that hotter, dryer conditions are fueling increased wildfire events, and oftentimes catastrophic damages.
Utility operators, political leaders, government officials, first responders, and the public at-large can ALL agree -- perennial wildfires are a serious threat. The risk of community devastation is real.
Fire Mitigation and Public Safety Defense Solution
GRIDWIDE FIRE-SPY announced by GRID20/20. A first-ever, “Always-On” outdoor monitoring and auto alerts solution to address Fire Mitigation and Public Safety needs.
Advanced Transformer Infrastructure is a solution that uses highly accurate self-contained fast and easily installed sensors.
The COVID-19 pandemic has created an immediate need for remote, perpetual electricity grid monitoring[...]
Advanced Transformer Infrastructure™ Delivers Proactive Grid Management Support to New Demands
GRID20/20 announced today the release of its pioneering offering designed to facilitate Grid Modernization.
Use Case
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Case Study